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$750 Dealers Appreciation Tournament
Dealers, we thank you each Season as you make it a unique playing experience at the APC! We want to thank you for the job you do with a $750 Dealers Appreciation Tournament!

Dealers qualified by dealing 35 hours during this Season 62!

Qualifying Dates – July 1 through October 31, 2024!

DATE: Sunday, November 24th
Noon and Cards Fly at 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: Dugan’s Sports Bar


  • 1st = $400 + Custom APC Silver Coin Card Guard
  • 2nd = $200
  • 3rd = $100
  • 4th = $50
  • (Dealers must be in good standing – no suspensions or infractions – in order to qualify!)

    1. AJ 2nd Best
    2. Alejandro Davila Nunez
    3. Alex Delaney
    4. Alex Maresh
    5. Alex Smith
    6. Alexander Herrera
    7. Allison Scott
    8. Amir Davis
    9. Ankh
    10. Astronaut
    11. Austin Sykora
    12. Bay
    13. Big Joker
    14. Biscuit
    15. Biz
    16. Black Brad
    17. Bob Burgess
    18. Brandon Vernon
    19. Bren Washington
    20. Brian Delong
    21. Brian Knight
    22. Brian Teague
    23. Bruce Bowen
    24. Bryan Hendren
    25. Cacique
    26. Carla Lattimer
    27. Carolyn Chambers
    28. Chad Hagan
    29. Chad Sims
    30. Charlene Herndon
    31. Charlie Allport
    32. Comeback Queen
    33. Corey Carmody
    34. DangeRuss
    35. Danny Pittman
    36. Dave Gregoria
    37. Dave Hill
    38. David Bailey
    39. David Clapp
    40. David Goodson
    41. David Tapia
    42. Dawg2021
    43. Deborah Strawn
    44. Demetrius Brown
    45. Don Brake
    46. Don Chessher
    47. Don Ferris
    48. Don Jackson
    49. Doug Masters
    50. Doug Wear
    51. Ed Foster
    52. Enid Klapper
    53. Eric Harris
    54. Esquire
    55. Eve Blount
    56. Fidel Sosa
    57. Flavio Salazar
    58. Frankie Vasser
    59. Gabriel Gutierrez
    60. Gary Cooper
    61. Gary Smith
    62. Gator
    63. Granny Smith
    64. Harry Potter
    65. Heathen
    66. Hunter Reynolds
    67. Hurricane Shunna
    68. Jalen (Boog)
    69. James D
    70. Jared Hall
    71. Jason Brown
    72. Jason Rich
    73. Javier Serrano
    74. Jay J
    75. Jay Mitchell
    76. Jeremy Upchurch
    77. Jeton
    78. Jim Burns
    79. Joe Fairbanks
    80. Joe Lennon
    81. Jon French
    82. JR Mayhew
    83. Juan The Baptist
    84. Justin Staton
    85. Justin Thomas
    86. Kaelaine Minton
    87. Kal-El
    88. Kandy Girl
    89. Karen Brooks
    90. Kemarro T
    91. Kevin Cheek
    92. Kevin Ilias
    93. Kevin W
    94. Kitten
    95. Lee Anne Abney
    96. Lindsay Battle
    97. Liz Brown
    98. Lone wolf
    99. Mark-Anthony
    100. Matt Brandenburgh
    101. Matthew Smith
    102. Mattie Dee
    103. Mike Goshay
    104. Miss Congeniality
    105. Mosby J
    106. Murse See Me
    107. Patrick McDaniel
    108. Pittsburgh Mike
    109. Rebecca K
    110. RedRum
    111. Ricky Martinez
    112. Rik Baldwin
    113. Rob G
    114. Robert Matt
    115. Roni Fairbanks
    116. Russ Nix
    117. Scotland Kolb
    118. Scott Bennett
    119. Scott Moose
    120. Sharkdog
    121. Ship It
    122. Shtty Kitty
    123. Sinna
    124. SMH
    125. SpyGuy
    126. Stephanie Lee
    127. Stephanie Ritter
    128. Stephen Henderson
    129. Steve Lamping
    130. Steven Braynard
    131. Steven M
    132. Suicide King
    133. Suicide Queen
    134. Terrell Shields
    135. Terry Davis
    136. The Professor
    137. The Real Mike Jones
    138. Tia
    139. Tim Phillips
    140. Timothy Cormier
    141. Todd Brown
    142. Tony Hitchcock
    143. Tori
    144. Unicorn
    145. Virgil Sorrells
    146. Wildish Gambino
    147. William Farley
    148. Wyatt Sladek
    149. Zizzo

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