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Tin Roof Cantina Logo

As many of you have heard, Tin Roof’s landlord has sold their property and they have had to make immediate changes to their hours/schedule. We are saddened by the news as this is the second longest running venue in APC history! We are thankful to Jack and Stephen for their business over the last 16+ years and wish them all the success in the future.

This Sunday, February 2nd will be the last Sunday of this Season. Top 10 for Sunday Game 1 and Game 2 will qualify for the Venue Championship at the end of the Season.

Saturday games will continue as normal.

The Venue Championship for Saturday and Sunday Games 1 and 2 will be held on Saturday, March 1st as posted.

We will let you know of any changes for Season 64 as soon as possible!

Tin Roof Cantina Poker Game Details

Directions Tin Roof Cantina in Atlanta

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