Atlanta Poker Club Rules
These rules govern the operation of all players in any Atlanta Poker Club sanctioned event.
- All players must agree to and abide by all rules of the Atlanta Poker Club and TDA Rules (modifications listed below).
- Players must fill out the Player Agreement before playing in an event. See your Tournament Director or go to to signup.
- All events are FREE to enter. Chips have no cash value and are for play purposes only.
- Players receive League Points based on event finishes.
- Players must be at least 18 years of age. Many venues require 21 & up.
- Players who do not follow the rules, will receive a verbal notice, penalty, then removed from the event if the behavior continues.
- No weapons of any kind are allowed in any APC event.
- Gambling, cheating, stealing or placing currency on the poker table IS NOT allowed and those caught engaging in these acts will be banned from future events.
- Excessive use of profanity or obscene language, causing a disturbance by arguing, shouting or making excessive noise is not allowed and those caught engaging in these acts will be subject to penalties or removal from the event.
- Throwing, tearing, bending, crumpling cards or chips is not allowed and those caught engaging in these acts will be subject to penalties or removal from the event.
- All Tournament Director decisions are final.
- Random seating is assigned with seat cards by the Tournament Director.
- At the beginning of the event, the dealer button will be decided by dealing high card at one table. That seat is then the button at each table.
- Alternates must be registered and arrive prior to the end of the 4th blind level in order to play. Players will not be allowed to enter a tournament that has made it into points.
- Alternates may join the event as soon as a seat is available. No blinds are required unless they are in the big blind seat.
- Players from a broken table can receive cards on the button and in the small or big blind. Alternates/Late arrivals can also receive cards on the button and in the small or big blind.
- Chips must remain on the poker tables at all times, with the highest denomination chips clearly visible.
- Bonus tokens must be on the table prior to the start of a hand for them to be live. If a player is given bonus tokens in the middle of a hand and is eliminated on that particular hand, the bonus tokens are void and given back to the tournament director.
- Players who are away from the table for more than 20 minutes will be removed from the tournament.
- The dealer may fold your cards if you are not at the table when it’s your turn to act.
- The dealer may fold your cards if you are on a cell phone when it’s your turn to act.
- Announce bets or raises clearly. No string bets allowed. Do not splash the pot.
- An oversize chip bet is a call, unless previously declared a raise.
- Raises must be at least the amount of any previous raise (or bet), except when all-in.
- Players must show both of their cards to win a contested pot.
- Side pots will be used when necessary.
- ANY player who is last to act that ‘checks’ an indisputable winning hand (the nuts), may be subject to a penalty.
- If player 1 shows their live cards to player 2 (who is still in the hand), then player 1 must show everyone. This action is subject to penalty.
- If player 1 shows their live cards to player 2 (who has folded), then any player may request to see player 1′s cards after the hand is complete.
- Blinds will be raised throughout the tournament according to the Blind Schedule. Players are obligated to pay all blinds in turn.
- Dead Button: If the player in the small blind is eliminated, the button moves to the empty seat. Players post blinds as normal.
- Dead Small Blind: If the player in the big blind is eliminated, the small blind is dead and only the big blind is posted.
- If two players are eliminated on the same hand, the player who started the hand with more chips is awarded the higher finish position.
- Re-seat players and re-deal for the button when the final table is reached.
- When two players remain, the player due to assume the big blind does so. The player in the small blind gets the button and acts 1st prior to the flop & 2nd after the flop.
- No vaping or smoking at non-smoking venues unless outdoors in designated areas. At smoking away from the table venues, players must be a minimum of six feet away from all tables before smoking or vaping. Failure to abide by this rule will be subject to penalty and/or removal from the game.
- Please treat your venue staff, APC staff, fellow players and the game with respect.
These rules are not all encompassing and depending on the situation, a player may be disqualified or suspended for behavior not specifically listed above.
Thanks and we’ll see you at the tables!
Atlanta Poker Club