We hope everyone has a great 4th of July Week-End.
I am sure there will be some great cook-outs and people enjoying being on the water. There will also be some of us who will want to frequent our favorite watering hole and play some APC poker.
This week-end there will not be a APC poker tournament at Southern Comfort on Friday July 4th. They will have their Friday tournament resume on July 11th and will have Double Player Points!
There will also not be a APC poker tournament on Monday, July 7th at Indigo Joe’s Suwanne. They will resume play on Monday, July 14th and will have Double Player Points.
There will not be a APC poker tournament on Sunday, July 6th at Mike’s Down Under.
There are still plenty of chances to play poker with the APC this week-end. Check out the APC calendar of events to see where you can play.
Again…… Have fun, stay safe, and Thank You for playing poker with The Atlanta Poker Club!