John Lee has lived in Atlanta for seven years. John moved here from California.
Each Season lasts four months, and how does it feel to lead the entire League in points at the end of the Season?
I feel satisfied. Really good. Only thing is I feel like I should have more wins. Had more second places in this season than other seasons. That is the only thing that I am unsatisfied with.
How long have you played Texas Hold’em?
Started in college when I turned twenty-one. Only played Limit Hold’em until starting to play with the APC. I used to specialize in limit cash games and tournaments.
What is your philosophy of winning?
The most important thing is chip management…and know your opponents.
How have you changed your game since you started playing with the APC?
Still learning on how much to bet. Playing with the APC has improved my strategy and how to play better in tournament style play.
As you accumulated more points in this last season, was it easier or harder to get points?
Just played my game and I wouldn’t say it was easier or harder.
Who is your favorite pro?
I used to like Gus Hansen as his style is very good and I think he is the best at reading players and the best after the flop play. Reads opponents really well after the flop.
How long have you played with the APC?
I’ve played with the APC for four seasons.
When you play with the APC you seemed very focussed on the game and all business. Has that changed for you?
No, I still think of it as all business.
Any advice for new players?
Chip management and you have to know when to fold. Don’t overplay your hand. Learn skills from the losses you have. Learn from losing. Don’t make that mistake again.
What are the most important elements of playing at the Atlanta Poker Club for you?
As you play you improve your skills so you can win at other games like the World Series Of Poker tournaments and even win at cash games at the casinos.
John Lee is a tough opponent and a no nonsense player. A welcome addition to the Atlanta Poker Club. Congratulations to John Lee!