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AllStars Custom Chip

Tournament Date: Saturday, March 27, 2021
Location: Gino’s Blind Tiger
Noon and Cards Fly at 1:00 p.m.

The AllStars Tournament qualified from November 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021!

The qualifications for the prestigious AllStars Tournament are:

  • *1st or 2nd in points at any qualified venue at the end of the season, Sunday, February 28, 2021.
  • *The venue must play a minimum of 6 events by the end of this season to qualify.

PRIZES TO BE WON:AllStars Trophy

  • 1st Place wins AllStars Trophy + $250 + APC Engraved Silver Coin + Gear
  • 2nd Place wins $150 + APC Gear
  • 3rd Place wins $100 + APC Gear
  • 4th – 10th Place wins APC Gear
  • All qualifiers win a custom APC AllStars Chip

Venues Played a Minimum of 6 Events by the end of This Season to Qualify:


1. Aaron Young
2. Anderson
3. ArmageddonQ
4. Bill Eardley
5. Bill Trinkle
6. Blackwidow
7. Blake Gleason
8. Brandon Daugherty
9. Brittany Carr
10. Buddy B
11. CT Carroll
12. Chad Bliss
13. Charlene Herndon
14. Chris Summers
15. Clay Thompson
16. Daniel Green
17. David Goodson
18. Don Chessher
19. Dr Tippy Toes
20. Ed McTaggart
21. Emily Hamlyn
22. Enid Klapper
23. Eric D
24. Final Table
25. Gary Venator
26. Gene Panacci
27. Geoffrey Berrios
28. Greg Ward
29. Harry Darby
30. Hot Sauce
31. James Atkinson
32. Jason Foore
33. Jeremy Upchurch
34. Jeton
35. Jim Johnson
36. Jimin Lee
37. Jio Tsunami
38. Joe Rotella
39. Joel Gatlin
40. John B
41. John Davis
42. KC Cox
43. Karen Brooks
44. Kent Baldy
45. Kim Marlow
46. Kyron Anderson
47. Ladd Gunter
48. Large Marge Jr.
49. Lee Bryan
50. Linda Futrell
51. Mark Holcomb
52. Matt Dougher
53. Meatloaf
54. Michael Bundschu
55. Mike Coco
56. Oscar Hernandez
57. Pat Gonzalez
58. Patrick Kennemore
59. Rachelle Bergeron
60. Rob G
61. Russ Nix
62. Sassypants
63. Shellyn Landrum
64. Sherry Tzimourtas
65. Sid
66. SpyGuy
67. Squadusch
68. Stephanie Ritter
69. Stephen Henderson
70. Tantrum
71. Terry Junk Cummings
72. Tim Phillips
73. Todd Brown
74. Tony Hitchcock
75. Travis Howard
76. Victor Holland
77. Virgil Sorrells
78. Zack Jones


APC Online –
1. Patrick Kennemore
2. Greg Ward

Bench Warmers/Monday –
1. Matt Dougher
2. Bill Trinkle

Bench Warmers/Thursday –
1. ArmageddonQ
2. Mike Coco

Brucey’s Sports Bar/Thursday –
1. Kim Marlow
2. Buddy B

Brucey’s Sports Bar/Saturday –
1. Anderson
2. Michael Bundschu

Brucey’s Sports Bar/Sunday –
1. Brittany Carr
2. John Davis

Coach’s Corner/Tuesday –
1. David Goodson
2. Dr Tippy Toes

Coach’s Corner/Friday – Game 1 –
1. Tim Phillips
2. Bill Eardley

Coach’s Corner/Friday – Game 2 –
1. Ed McTaggart
2. Geoffrey Berrios

Coach’s Corner/Saturday – Game 1 – PLO –
1. Meatloaf
2. Sherry Tzimourtas

Coach’s Corner/Saturday – Game 2 – PLO –
1. KC Cox
2. Joe Rotella

Dillon’s Sports Bar/Monday –
1. Oscar Hernandez
2. James Atkinson

Dillon’s Sports Bar/Tuesday – PLO –
1. Enid Klapper
2. Final Table

Dillon’s Sports Bar/Wednesday – Game 1 –
1. Jeton
2. Jason Foore

Dillon’s Sports Bar/Wednesday – Game 2 –
1. Virgil Sorrells
2. Mark Holcomb

Dillon’s Sports Bar/Thursday– PLO –
1. Jim Johnson
2. Linda Futrell

Dillon’s Sports Bar/Sunday –
1. SpyGuy
2. Hot Sauce

Gino’s Blind Tiger/Tuesday –
1. Jio Tsunami
2. Daniel Green

Gino’s Blind Tiger/Wednesday –
1. Victor Holland
2. ArmageddonQ

Gino’s Blind Tiger/Friday –
1. ArmageddonQ
2. Matt Dougher

Gino’s Blind Tiger/Saturday –
1. Blackwidow
2. Tantrum

Gino’s Blind Tiger/Thursday – PLO –
1. Stephanie Ritter
2. Travis Howard

Gino’s Blind Tiger/Sunday – PLO –
1. Large Marge Jr.
2. Travis Howard

Keegan’s Public House/Tuesday –
1. Aaron Young
2. Gene Panacci

Keegan’s Public House/Wednesday – PLO –
1. Sassypants
2. Stephen Henderson

Moonshiners Bar & Grill Grayson/Monday –
1. John Davis
2. John B

Moonshiners Bar & Grill Grayson/Friday –
1. Jeremy Upchurch
2. Clay Thompson

Moonshiners Bar & Grill Grayson/Sunday –
1. Jeremy Upchurch
2. Emily Hamlyn

Moonshiners Bar & Grill Braselton/Monday –
1. Joel Gatlin
2. Pat Gonzalez

Moonshiners Bar & Grill Braselton/Sunday –
1. Lee Bryan
2. Todd Brown

Speakeasy at Latin Flavors Steakhouse/Wednesday –
1. Russ Nix
2. Shellyn Landrum

Sportsline/Monday –
1. Kyron Anderson
2. Zack Jones

Sportsline/Tuesday –
1. Blake Gleason
2. Ladd Gunter

Sportsline/Wednesday –
1. Jimin Lee
2. Ladd Gunter

Sportsline/Thursday –
1. Zack Jones
2. Eric D

Sportsline/Friday –
1. Terry Junk Cummings
2. Brandon Daugherty

Sportsline/Saturday –
1. Terry Junk Cummings
2. Brittany Carr

Sportsline/Sunday – PLO –
1. Enid Klapper
2. Karen Brooks

Thirsty Turtle/Wednesday –
1. Rachelle Bergeron
2. Kent Baldy

Thirsty Turtle/Sunday –
1. Tim Phillips
2. Rachelle Bergeron

Tin Roof Cantina/Saturday –
1. Squadusch
2. Sid

Tin Roof Cantina/Sunday –
1. Rob G
2. CT Carroll

Vintage Billiards/Friday –
1. Harry Darby
2. Tony Hitchcock

Vintage Billiards/Saturday –
1. Charlene Herndon
2. Gary Venator

Vintage Billiards/Sunday –
1. Chris Summers
2. Don Chessher

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