The Atlanta Poker Club Family is mourning the loss of our
Miss Kay
For those that didn’t meet her, you missed a real experience. For those that knew her, well, you just have to smile when you say her name.
Miss Kay has been playing with us for years. Her son David, and Grandson Brandon would bring her to play. They all enjoyed the game. How great it was to see how much they loved each other and wanted her to have a good time, and she basked in that love.
Players that didn’t know Miss Kay didn’t quite know what to think when she walked in. After all, beer is flowing, loud noise, and here comes Miss Kay. Didn’t appear to be her style…after all, she was a little up in years.
The dealer would point her to her place. She would settle in. New players really didn’t know what to say. Everyone else would be talking and calling to her from across the room. She was always smiling. Cards are dealt. Now, newer players are thinking her chips are looking pretty good and would look even better in their own stack. They get comfortable with her. This could work out for them.
Miss Kay folds at first. Then she gets involved in a hand with a young gun. My friend and I lean in toward each other. He is already apologizing as the hand is being played.
My friend says, “He thinks he’s won.”
I say, “Kinda sad, really.”
My friend continues, “Won’t be long.”
I say, “Yep. He doesn’t know Miss Kay.”
The board has no card higher than a 10. When the hand is over, the young gun turns over pocket Queens and is quickly about to rake in the chips. We all know that cocky attitude, and he’s just talking fast about how he hates that she lost. Miss Kay leans over to make sure she sees his hand correctly, and then she smirks and throws her pocket Aces up. That was our Miss Kay! She loved playing cards and she knew how to play them! She had twelve wins to her credit.
Miss Kay called us all “scallywags.” She made us happy just being around her. Never let looks deceive you. She had the energy of a teenager, and she was sharp! Her sense of humor was right on target, and she really came out with some memorable one-liners. Take a look at the forum posts about players experiences with the one and only, our Miss Kay.
Mrs. Katherine Marie Bennett
Born: June 17, 1921
Died: November 30, 2010
You will be missed but never forgotten! We love you, Miss Kay!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to her loving family.
Viewing is Saturday, December 4th at 2 p.m., at Smith Memory Chapel in Winder, Georgia.
You can leave messages for her family.