Wallace Dew has been playing with the Atlanta Poker Club since the middle of Season 23 Summer 2011. Wallace is originally from Florida and has lived in Georgia for most of his life. He has a ten year old daughter.
How long have you played Texas Hold’em?
Four years – just played online and came to table games because online poker died.
What is your secret to winning the most games in a season?
Knowing your opponents is the secret to winning. Watch for patterns. Know the card statistics, the math. I have to say that probably the one thing that improved me the most was sitting in the dealer seat because I had to read every hand.
How have you changed your game since you started playing?
I defined my range of hands. There are certain hands that I will play in certain positions against certain players but not against other players in the same position. Ties back to knowing your opponents. It helps to know what other players’ favorite hands are.
When you ended the Winter 2012 with the most wins, did you start the season having most wins as your goal?
No. But I won six tournaments in the first two weeks. It all started when I went out early at the Fall 2011 AllStars Tournament and won two tournaments that day…one at Atmosphere and one at AllStar Billiards. Felt so good to win and other players started to notice my winning. And it gave me such a good feeling…guess you could say self-esteem feelings. Remember the TV show “Cheers”? In the bar when Norm walked in everyone said hi, and I wanted to be Norm. Now I feel like I am in my own way.
As you accumulated more wins, was it easier or harder to win?
Easier to win as time went on because I wasn’t afraid. The fear of losing went away, and it took a lot of loses to get there. I played every day…twice on Saturdays and twice on Sundays and it cost me $0.26 per points…winning at free poker is not free. I couldn’t stop…with each win it was like chasing the dragon. As much as winning it, it is also a social event and I have made some fast friends in this club, and now I stick around and watch the play even after I go out.
Compared to winning the Southeastern Division of the North Atlantic Road Racing Championship of the Sports Car Club of America, how did it feel to win the AllStars Tournament?
Almost as good, but I wasn’t quite as sweaty. When the AllStars Tournament was all over I felt like I had been beaten by a rubber hose because of the mental concentration it took to get there and to get past Steve Quach and Steve Pavlichek. Two great competitors.
Who is your favorite pro?
Barry Greenstein. He never shows emotion and he’s a flat out good card player. There are probably more poker personalities that I dislike…like the loud, voracious poker player. I prefer the smooth, quiet ambassadors like Doyle Brunson. We need to attract more poker players to the game instead of pushing them away.
Have you ever lost your temper at the table?
Once….a donkey kicked me in the nuts and then brayed at me.
Any advice for new players?
Don’t overplay your hand and learn what quality cards are. Remember that position and stack management are as important as the cards in your hand. Have fun…it’s a game! Don’t get mad at other players’ stupidity…just file it away for future reference. Play lots of different venues against all range of players. A good poker player has to be able to play against the donkeys and the sharks. Always sit down with the maximum chip up and most importantly always tip the wait staff because they remember.
What are the most important elements of playing at the APC for you?
It is an equal, level playing field and I don’t have to compete with players who are drinking their way to the final table. The Tournament Directors are consistent and the rules are applied evenly and fairly and the dealers are good. The APC is the best poker club I’ve played with. By the way, we should always bring family to play because it makes it more fun.
Wallace Dew does bring his family to play, his Mom, Janice Reed, and both are a welcome addition to the APC roster of players.
Wallace accumulated 12461.73 points along with 23 wins in Winter 2012, and beat out 48 players for the title of AllStars Champion and a place in the Atlanta Poker Club Hall of Fame. Next time you see Wallace, don’t forget to say hi.