Atlanta Poker Club Management Team – Effective Monday, August 25th, 2008
League Coordinator – Rachel Nowell
We’d like everyone to give a warm welcome to Rachel Nowell to the Atlanta Poker Club Management Team. Rachel is responsible for organizing and streamlining our business practices and process. In a short answer, Rachel will handle all issues that would normally land on Spry’s desk, so if you hear it from Rachel you can assume you heard it directly from Spry. Rachel will be the first point of contact for all APC management team. You can contact Rachel via a private message once you register for the forum.
Regional Manager – Bill Boakes
Bill continues his management role with the Atlanta Poker Club as the regional manager of all events on the east side of I-85 (Lawrenceville side). His efforts will be focused on growth and development of the APC on the Barrow County, Suwanee, Lawrenceville, Snellville, and Stone Mountain areas. Bill will be the first point of contact for all Tournament Directors at venues in this region.
Regional Manager – David “Red” Wilson
David Red Wilson joins the management team at the APC as a regional manager. Red will be managing venues on the west side (Braselton / Buford side) of I-85 as well as the entire area south of I-285. Tournament Directors from within this region will report directly to Red to handle and solve any issues that arise during the course of business.
League Administrator – Maci Celli
While Maci is not a member of the APC management team, she is increasing her responsibilities as our league administrator to push the paper, the points, and the payroll and we wished to recognize her here. Maci will ensure that the APC behind the scenes paperwork flows smoothly and efficiently but will not be involved with the management aspect of the business.
Players – what this means to you.
Players, we do our best to listen to your concerns and adjust accordingly so please keep your feedback coming. Your first line of contact for questions, concerns and praise should be the Tournament Director at your nightly event. Our TD’s are, friendly, well trained and approachable. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your TD for whatever reason then you should contact the Regional Manager for that venue(listed above). if you are not comfortable contacting your regional manager you should talk to our League Coordinator. If you are finally not comfortable talking to our league coordinator then please contact one of the owners, Jason Spry or Brad Fuller by emailing support (at) atlantapokerclub dot com.