Karen Brooks Tops The Leaderboard!
They took it down! For the first time in Atlanta Poker Club (APC) history, the women rocked the leaderboard. There were six women in the top 10 at season’s end.
Were they trailing the top men players? No way! It was two women vying for first place. Karen Brooks had the lead through the season, but Sonya Nicovich Miller was playing to win. The four month long Winter Season ’10 had plenty of time for some spirited competition at every tournament played. Who would be the points leader when the cards were mucked and the season over? With 5,000 members in the APC, 1,563 getting points, which player would take it down!
Karen Brooks stayed strong and kept the lead. Asked what had improved her game the most, she said, “Dealing.” Karen went on to say, “You can do all the right things including make the right read, but the river can still send you home.” River or not, she ended the season in first place! Sonya Miller finished second! The face of poker definitely changed at the APC! Congratulations to all the players in the top of the leaderboard this season. These women have shown that it takes more than luck to be good at poker with the APC! Much more skill involved in texas holdem than in a game like let it ride poker!
Congratulations to Karen for games well played, a sense of humor that remained intact, grace under pressure, and for being the winner in every sense of the word! You go, Girl!